Southam News

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Reduce the risks of flu to you and your baby

Pregnant women will do anything to protect their unborn child – NHS Coventry and NHS Warwickshire are urging people in this and other ‘at risk’ groups to get their free flu vaccination to avoid serious health complications.

John Forde, Acting Director of Public Health for NHS Coventry and Coventry City Council, said: “Flu can cause serious illness in pregnant women and in the most severe cases can put the lives of expectant mums and their unborn babies at risk. This is because the woman’s body and immune system is adapting to accommodate the growing baby and less able to fight off the flu virus. Last winter we saw the devastating effects flu in pregnancy can have and this can be prevented by having the free vaccine at your local GP surgery.”

Pregnant women who catch flu, in particular H1N1, are at increased risk of serious complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia. H1N1 infection in the mother affects the baby too. By not having the vaccine, mothers could put the baby at risk of premature or still birth.

Dr Francis Campbell, Medical Director of Primary Care for the Arden Cluster (NHS Coventry and NHS Warwickshire), said: “When you are pregnant with your child you want to do what is right for your baby and some mothers-to-be worry about the vaccine. It is safe for mother and baby and can be given at any stage of pregnancy, and the earlier you have the vaccine the better as it means you will be protected for the whole winter. The vaccine may also give your unborn baby some protection against flu during the first six months of life.

In addition, many pregnant mothers already have children at home and as carer, cannot afford to fall ill. So getting the jab not only protects the mother and unborn baby, but also their loved ones too.”

There are four groups of people most at risk from flu – pregnant women; people with long term conditions; carers and people over 65 years.

There are additional ways people can protect themselves and those around them. Good hand hygiene - the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ technique – reduces the spread of germs. This means carrying tissues, covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue, disposing of the tissue after one use, and cleaning hands as soon as possible with soap and water or an alcohol hand gel.

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